Премия в области архитектурного кино в рамках Milano Design Film Festival
У премии две категории: полнометражный архитектурный фильм и короткометражный фильм, созданный для продвижения проектной деятельности архитектурного бюро. Работы финалистов будут оцениваться международным жюри во время Milano Design Film Festival.
The films may focus on aspects of actual or imagined structures that relate purely to architecture, and to aspects that bring in other fields.
Two categories Architecture’s film: films (medium and full-length films) of stories of ancient, modern and contemporary architecture.
Studio’s film: audiovisual projects (short films) commissioned by architectural firms to promote their project activities.
Two phases and an international jury The pre-selected works will be published in the programme for the MDFF 2021 and will be evaluated by an international jury during the festival itself. The jury will award prizes for two categories. Participation is open to persons over 21 years of age of any nationality. Their works must have been carried out during the 2019-2021 two-year period.