Jacques Rougerie Foundation International Competition 2021
Премия ежегодно присуждается за лучшие новаторские архитектурные решения для морских и космических пространств. Проекты должны быть разработаны с учетом современных представлений о будущем. Среди основных требований: инновационность, эстетика, экологичность, социальная направленность. Победители получат не только денежный приз, но также смогут воспользоваться поддержкой фонда Жака Ружери для углубления знаний в области своих проектов.
As a visionary you are passionate and daring, fully committed to tackling today’s and tomorrow’s immense environmental and social challenges on the planet. You commit to act providing solutions creating meaningful new living environments and developing innovative biomimetic architectural projects for the sea, the coastlines and for space. You want to drive change towards a resilient, sustainable and human centered future. Call on your imagination and build the worlds of tomorrow in a different way, respecting biodiversity and integrating the new way of living of our societies for the common good of all.
In 2021, the Jacques Rougerie Foundation invites you to imagine daring, visionary projects, addressing the major challenges that humanity is facing. The projects will be based on biomimicry, an endless source of inspiration. Nature has always designed and manufactured the best patterns, the most beautiful shapes, the most elegant curves and produced the best materials. Your work, carried out in a transversal and multidisciplinary reflection, will be even more appreciated. Your bio-inspired project will link together form, usage and environment.
Today, more than ever, we must find new forms of habitat and mobility, new ways of life that have to be inventive and efficient for the 10 billion people who will be living on earth in 2050, 75% of whom will live near coastlines and will be therefore particularly concerned by the challenges of the sea level rise. As for the inhabited exploration of space, its development is inevitable and must be part of an approach that respects the environment and its own humanity.
Architects, designers, engineers, inventors and creators of today, build multidisciplinary teams and together design the lifestyles and habitats of tomorrow putting humans at the heart of your project, enhancing the richness of the sea and space, respecting them! It's up to you to dare and change our perspective!