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Архитектура и утопия - конкурс фонда Хеннинга Ларсена

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 09.04.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 09.04.2021
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Дания
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: призовой фонд - €14 000
  организатор: Henning Larsen Foundation
  ссылки: Официальная страница конкурса
  Architecture + Utopia - The Henning Larsen Foundation Contest
  Фонд Хеннинга Ларсена объявляет о проведении очередного конкурса, на этот раз посвященного взаимосвязи архитектуры и утопии. Участники могут предоставить наброски, коллажи, фотографии и другие изображения, раскрывающие тему. Также нужен небольшой сопроводительный текст.
связанные события:

Архитектура и кино - конкурс Фонда Хеннинга Ларсена
The Henning Larsen Foundation is proud to announce the latest edition of its competition series this year an open international competition on the theme of Utopia in architecture. Previous competition editions have explored photographing architecture (2007), drawing architecture (2008), writing about architecture (2012), architecture and film (2015), and architecture and music (2017.)

The aim of the competition is to request ideas and images that can revitalize the utopia of architecture.

The background of the competition is Henning Larsen's work as a curious architect. He sought new untried paths in architecture and sought inspirations far and wide. It could be in anonymous design and architecture, in structures of the past, and in the latest advances in science, as described in the attached text by architect Troels Troelsen, longtime collaborator at the design studio and chairman of the foundation.

The competition calls for architectural, utopian visions.

Ideas that, with artistic and poetic power, can inspire a new dimension and a new quality in architecture are sought. The task: Describe in sketches and few words a Utopia, a dream or mood with descents in spatial, architectural particulars. Contributions are to be made in drawing / photo or any pictorial technique including short illuminating texts in either Danish or English (submissions in other languages will not be considered.) Analyses and theses are not asked for.


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