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Пионеры 3D-печати 2021

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 31.03.2021
  dead-line подачи проектов: 31.03.2021
  тема: Дизайн
  страна: Германия
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: призовой фонд €35 000
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  3D Pioneers Challenge
  Цель конкурса – отметить лучшие дизайнерские и технические инновацции, воплощенные в реальность при помощи 3d-печати. Участвовать могут студенты и профессионалы в области дизайна, а также инженеры и проектировщики, чьи разработки относятся к медицинской, автомобильной, научно-исследовательской и другим отраслям.
связанные события:

Пионеры 3D-печати 2022

Пионеры 3D-печати 2019

Пионеры 3D-печати 2017
We are facing challenges that our generation has never experienced before - the world is upside down. Society is changing - we are searching and finding solutions to find our way in a "New Normal".

It is in our nature to reflect, to rethink many things. What is essential - what is superfluous? What is sustainable - what can or must we improve? What if ...?
Change gives room for new ideas - room for new technologies.

Digital processes and advanced technologies are taking their place in the holistic life cycle of products, pushing the seemingly unlimited possibilities. Sustainable strategies and forward-looking concepts are becoming an essential need.

The 3D Pioneers Challenge 2021 is looking for the creative minds and innovators that make the future such as students, start-ups and companies who help shape the "Paradigm Shift" and gives them the platform to present their visions and products to the general public.

Special Feature 2021

In 2021, the 3DPC goes a step further and surprises with a special feature: nTopology, winner of the "3DPC 2020 Digital", supports this year's competition as part of the 3DPC & Friends network. Participants have the opportunity to obtain a license for the nTop platform as well as additional training materials for designing and producing a submission with this the next generation design & engineering software for one month, nTop kick-off in March.
(To ensure your nTop-license: Don’t forget to check the box by signing up for the competition here .) No costs apply.

Detailed information about this special feature please see at the 3DPC nTop-blog.


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