Задание конкурса – предложить идею по созданию маленькой, но функциональной библиотеки, рассчитанной на 50 посетителей. Проект должен быть ориентирован на сельские или отдаленные районы. Конкретное место можно выбрать на свое усмотрение. Здание необходимо гармонично встроить в существующее окружение.
With the world constantly evolving, there is a ton of information being formulated out there. The human civilization is expected to keep up with this change and evolve with this developing world to open up multiple possibilities for a better future. Despite all the information available around us, the only way to best access it, is through reading and self-learning. As a major tool for the 21st century, self-learning is an important skill that is to be refined for future generations as they journey through education and beyond.
Despite its importance, education is largely inaccessible to various disadvantaged communities in both urban and rural areas around the world. The pandemic raging currently has come with its own set of challenges when it comes to learning or working distantly. While we face a future that we cannot foresee, the ability to adapt and learn is key. It is important to power the growth of like-minded networks. Hence self-learning through reading is the only way to equip ourselves and our community with the mobility we need to combat this unknown future.
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” - Nelson Mandela Political Leader, Philanthrophist and former President of South Africa