Участникам конкурса предстоит превратить заброшенную церковь Chiesa Diruta в итальянской коммуне Гроттоле в концертный зал. Церковь, построенная в 15 веке, пережила землетрясения, пожары и другие невзгоды, в результате чего была сильно разрушена. Сегодня конкурсантам необходимо представить идеи по ее возрождению, но уже в новой функции.
Chiesa Diruta is a catholic church built in Grottole (MT) in the 15th century, in order to host the local community of clergymen and to become one the most important churches of the bishopric. It suffered a lot of damages due to earthquakes, fires and building issues so it was soon abandoned.
Participants of this competitions are asked to reuse this space as a Concert Hall.
Is it possible to bring back to life one of the most important religious buildings of Southern Italy? The answer to this question is in the hands of the architects, the engineers and the students who will participate to this competition.