Премия всемирной выставки недвижимости MIPIM и журнала Architectural Review
Претендовать на награду могут невоплощенные или находящиеся на стадии реализации проекты в 16 категориях. Отдельная номинация оценивает проекты, разработанные с учетом последствий пандемии Covid-19 и возможных эпидемий будущего.
Celebrating excellence in unbuilt or incomplete projects, this prestigious awards programme showcases projects from around the globe. Entries are assessed by a renowned international jury, providing invaluable exposure for your practice.
Due to the global impact of the Coronavirus pandemic, MIPIM 2021 will now take place on 7-10 June. Because of this, the AR Future Project award lunch will take place during this week, instead of March 17 as originally planned. The AR Future Project catalogue will continue to be distributed to delegates at MIPIM June 2021.