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Iconic Awards 2020 - премия для архитекторов и дизайнеров

премия международный открытый Архитектура
  dead-line подачи заявки: 04.05.2020
  дата объявления победителей: 05.10.2020
  дата награждения победителей: 05.10.2020
  страна: Германия
  открыт для: архитекторов, дизайнеров, строителей, производителей
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от €50 до €230
  организатор: German Design Council
  ссылки: Официальный сайт премии
  Iconic Awards. Innovative Architecture
  Цель премии – создать уникальную платформу для объединения архитекторов, дизайнеров и проектировщиков с представителями производственных компаний. Заявки принимаются в пяти основных категориях (архитектура, интерьер, продукт, коммуникация и концепция), а также в специальной номинации – инновационный материал.
The registration phase for the international ICONIC AWARDS 2020: Innovative Architecture has started. These awards recognise the crème de la crème of architecture and innovative interior and product design, as well as outstanding communication concepts and singularly innovative materials. The winners will be honoured at the awards ceremony on 5 October 2020 at the Pinakothek der Moderne, Munich, where they will have ample opportunity to network with other players on both the national and international scene.

The awards are open to architects, engineers, specialist planners, agencies and design firms, construction companies and real estate businesses, as well as manufacturers from the design and production sectors – projects must be submitted by 4 May. The high profile jury are responsible for awarding the “Selection”, “Winner” and “Best of Best” titles, as well as the special endowed awards “Architects of the Year” and “Interior Designers of the Year” (each with a cash prize of Euro 10,000), and the honorary prize “Architects’ Client of the Year”.

Attaining one of these awards puts the winner’s work on a global platform for all to see, positioning them as successful players on an international footing – and assures them a place at the prestigious awards ceremony, to be held in Munich during the EXPO Real.


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