Премия проводится архитектурным изданием DETAIL уже в девятый раз и присуждается за нестандартные, ориентированные на будущее проекты. Впервые за историю премии к участию приглашаются архитектурные школы. Представленные проекты должны быть реализованы не ранее 2017 года.
In 2020, DETAIL is awarding the international DETAIL Prize for the ninth time and is looking for projects that are ground-breaking due to their outstanding architectural-design and technical qualities.
The prize is awarded every two years by DETAIL in cooperation with sponsors from industry and conceptual partners from the field of politics. The declared aim of the DETAIL Prize is to highlight the importance of architecture for society, to strengthen the role of architects in public, and to promote networking among architects, industrialists, developers and politicians.
The judges are looking for the three best realisations in which the overall design concept and detailing are brought together in a coherent way. Prizes are awarded for future-oriented, innovative projects that go beyond the established standard.
DETAIL Prize for Students and Schools of Architecture
For the first time, a prize will be awarded for an outstanding project built by a school of architecture. The focus is on the development process and architecture as the implementation of teaching and research.
Projects of all building types and completed anywhere in the world after 01 January 2017 are eligible to compete for the DETAIL Prize 2020. Construction projects for new buildings, renovations, conversions and extensions may all be submitted. The competition is open to architects, civil engineers, structural engineers and universities.