Премия присуждается лучшим архитектурным и дизайн-проектам со всего мира. Соревнование проходит в 50 номинациях в четырех категориях: архитектура, дизайн интерьеров, ландшафт и промышленный дизайн. В каждой номинации планируется определить троих победителей.
Rethinking The Future Awards program aims to bring exceptional works in the field of Architecture the prestige they deserve. The objective of these awards is to raise awareness around the strategies Architects and Designers are employing to deal with the contemporary global challenges, and to bring the best of such projects into the light to inspire the next generation.
Rethinking The Future Awards are one of the most Renowned Awards in the field of Architecture and Design. Winning a RTF Award gives your clients and prospects the confidence they need to invest in your services.
RTF Awards invites Architects and Interior Designers from across the World to submit their Built/ Concept Projects.
Architecture works on a variety of scales so whether it’’s a dwelling for a 1000 families or a bespoke lamp, if it’s excellent and innovative, you can submit your project and assess your competence in the global architecture community.
RTF Awards 2020 offers more than 50 award categories, including concept and built categories under Architecture, Interior Design, Landscape Design, Urban Design and Product Design.