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Dewan Award 2019 - Обновление парка Аль-Умма

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.08.2019
  dead-line подачи проектов: 20.08.2019
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Ирак
  город: Багдад
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $70 до $100
  награда: главный приз - $6000 или приглашение на работу в Dewan Architects and Engineers
  организатор: Tamayouz Excellence Award
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Dewan Award for Architecture - Al Umma Park
  На конкурс принимаются идеи по реабилитации центрального городского парка Багдада. Цель – сделать некогда активно посещаемый семейный парк, который пришел в запустение в связи с многолетней напряженной обстановкой в Ираке, вновь излюбленным местом отдыха жителей Багдада. Несмотря на использование архитекторами современного подхода к организации общественных пространств, это место должно сохранить дух истории и культуры страны.
связанные события:
  25.08.2018 - 28.08.2018

Dewan Award for Architecture 2018 - Школа на болотах
As a result of decades of neglected followed by the Iraq - Iran war in the 1980s to the UN imposed 13-year embargo that started in 1990, Al Umma Park has greatly degraded. However, its transformation from a family-friendly urban space into an unwelcoming and inhospitable environment following the 2003 invasion has perhaps been its most challenging time – as well as for the whole of Iraq.

In the wake of the most recent US-led invasion and the ensuing looting and chaos, the country witnessed and felt countless traumas that affected all parts of society. Crimes against public property surged, while attacks on Iraq’s art, culture and heritage, as well as its built environment, became commonplace. Since 2003, and under the government’s watch, many listed and historical buildings have been lost, including some of the urban fabric surrounding Al Umma Park.

This competition seeks a new urban planning and architectural approach that helps Baghdad celebrate its heritage and raise awareness of the importance of maintaining all the layers of its history and heritage. The objective is the urban rehabilitation of Baghdad’s central park, restoring it to its former glory – a recreational space that served as an attraction for families and a platform for Iraqi art and history.


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