Цель премии – создать уникальную платформу для объединения архитекторов, дизайнеров и проектировщиков с представителями производственных компаний. Заявки принимаются в пяти основных категориях (архитектура, интерьер, продукт, коммуникация и концепция), а также в специальной номинации – инновационный материал.
The German Design Council has been advocating an integrated design approach for the past 65 years and promotes design as a success factor in international industry and business. Our ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Architecture competition is an independent architecture and design competition in which prizes are awarded for the interplay between all disciplines: outstanding construction projects and innovative interior and product design, as well as convincing communications in the context of architecture.
The ICONIC AWARDS: Innovative Architecture competition promotes interdisciplinary dialogue and communicates the importance of architecture and design to an international public. Not least, it recognises those who provide fresh inspiration with visionary force.
Eligible participants include architects, interior designers, engineers, specialist planners, agencies and design studios, construction and real estate companies, as well as manufacturers of materials, building technology, fittings, plumbing and bathroom products, etc., provided they are listed under one of the ICONIC AWARDS 2019: Innovative Architecture categories.