Премия дизайна BOUN посвящена теме влияния интерьера на качество жизни человека. Профессионалы и студенты могут представить на суд жюри концептуальные и реализованные проекты в пяти категориях: жилье, офисы, торговля, отдых и сфера гостеприимства.
Furniture is part of a system that completes our comfort. Layers of furniture bring out who we are and how we live. They are an inseparable part of us. Intended to support various human activities, they eventually are prominent controllers of the human psyche. And by selecting the right furniture, a person can leave the outside world at the door and find their own nest of comfort. The role of designer hence becomes essential in framing these niches and corners of how our lives are scripted and unscripted in innovative ways. Ways; a user can only know after experiencing these.
With Boun Furniture Design Awards, we honor projects that ascend creativity, practicality and bring out new dimensions of design through furniture as a medium.