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Лондонский фестиваль архитектуры 2019

фестиваль Архитектура
  дата: 01.06.2019 - 30.06.2019
  страна: Великобритания
  город: Лондон
  организатор: Лондонское отделение Королевского института британских архитекторов (RIBA London), Архитектурный фонд (Architecture Foundatio), New London Architecture, Британский Совет (British Council)
  ссылки: Сайт фестиваля
  London Festival of Architecture 2019
  Тема фестиваля 2019 года – «границы» (boundaries). В течение месяца эта тема будет раскрываться в различных мероприятиях – организаторы ставят целью выяснить, какие границы (социальные, географические, личные и т.д.) способна поставить архитектура и, наоборот, какие она позволяет преодолеть. Фестиваль будет включать в себя выставки, экскурсии, круглые столы, лекции и другие мероприятия.
связанные события:

Лондонский фестиваль архитектуры 2019 - приглашение к участию

Лондонский фестиваль архитектуры 2014

Лондонский фестиваль архитектуры 2012

Лондонский фестиваль архитектуры 2010

Лондонский фестиваль дизайна 2009

Лондонский Фестиваль Архитектуры
From suburban semis with picket fences to mansions with their moats, the British have always used architecture to express their love of a good boundary: the rich man in his castle, the poor man at the gate. Look around London and everywhere you will see the architectural signals that define people past and present, their place in society, and the distribution of property.

Perhaps Brexit is a logical extension of that British desire to retreat within a national boundary – to find an imagined comfort zone and put the rest of the world in its place. But architecture in Britain – and London in particular – isn’t always so insular. London’s architects have long stepped outside national boundaries to build around the world – all the while pushing the boundaries of what a building should look like and what modern engineering can do.

London developed as a city of villages. But who really knows where Hoxton ends and Shoreditch begins? Perhaps boundaries are made to be blurred? In a city where postcode or social boundaries can be deadly, architecture should be used to shape a city that is safer and more at ease with its diversity.

What about London’s boundaries? Do the mental and physical boundaries of North and South London still apply? With London’s sweeping economic effect felt across the country, what role does the Green Belt have in constraining London’s boundaries? Where is London’s boundary? Will the city that broke free of its Roman wall burst out from the M25?

Consciously or unconsciously, maybe living in cities is really about breaking boundaries. Just as architecture can be used to constrain and define us, so can it also level us or set us free. The City’s open plan offices are an egalitarian paradise compared with the rigidly hierarchical spaces that went before. The best new housing is tenure blind. Professionally, a new generation of architects is railing against boundaries and glass ceilings that bound their predecessors.

And what about personal boundaries? A hand here or an unwelcome comment there? What’s acceptable these days? Talking of personal boundaries, what’s happened to notions of personal space? Something to ponder when crammed on the Tube. Are there no boundaries anymore?

From Party Walls to London Wall; from the Boundary Estate to estate boundaries, architecture has a lot to say about the notion of boundaries. The next London Festival of Architecture – from 1st to 30th June 2019 – will be decidedly unbound as we explore our theme of Boundaries.


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