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Лекция об охране памятников в Вашингтоне. Терш Боусберг (Tersh Boasberg), США

лекция сохранение наследия Наследие
  дата: 26.08.2008 19:00
  город: Санкт-Петербург
  адрес: Санкт-Петербургский Дом Архитектора (особняк А.А. Половцова),
Большая Морская, дом 52
  ссылки: community.livejournal.com/save_sp_burg
  Лекция будет посвящена различым методам сохранения исторической городской среды в условиях постоянного давления инвесторов, заинтересованных в новом строительстве, и будет сопровождаться показом многочисленных слайдов
  Вероника Архипова. Красота по-американски // BN.ru , 29.08.2008

Во вторник, 26 августа, в 19:00 в помещении Союза Архитекторов (Большая Морская, дом 52) состоится лекция Терша Боусберга, который в течение многих лет занимал пост главы комитета по охране памятников в городе Вашингтон (США).

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Tersh Boasberg is currently the Chairman of the Historic Preservation Review Board for Washington, D.C., a position he has held since the year 2000. The Historic Preservation Review Board must approve all proposed alterations to the exteriors of any designated historic building in Washington, D.C, or of any building, whether or not itself designated as historic, that is located in a designated Historic District in the city. The preservation of historical structures and historical districts in Washington, D.C., thus rests largely in the hands of Tersh and his Board.

Many years before being appointed to the Historic Preservation Review Board, Tersh was instrumental in starting a non-profit organization called Preservation Action, which lobbies for preserving buildings and historic districts that form part of the American heritage. Preservation Action is a national grassroots organization, with chapters throughout the United States..

From 1989 to 1993, Tersh was one of three members of the Zoning Commission for Washington, D.C, serving as its Chairman during the last two years. Tersh is not an architect, but a lawyer by training, and teaches historic preservation law at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington and at Goucher College outside Baltimore.


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