Конкурс проводится порталом Unfuse, миссия которого – продвигать исключительные проекты, идеи, эксперименты в области архитектуры, ландшафта, урбанистики и экологии. Подать на рассмотрение можно дипломные работы, выполненные не ранее 2016 года. Бакалаврские и магистерские работы будут оцениваться отдельно.
UnFUSE a part of Uni serves as a platform to create a global community of architects and designers who are pushing the boundaries of architecture discipline to enrich our built environment. At UnFUSE we promote exceptional works, ideas, experimentations in the field of architecture, landscape, urban design, society, culture and ecology.
We as a designer invest alot of time to bring our ideas on paper, to create something extraordinary like a graduation project that can change the kind of built environment we want around us, and make a better world. These ideas are the foundation to new possibilities that has the ability to take architecture ahead. With not limited only in the academia where they come from, but the whole fraternity with it. UnFUSE International Architecture Thesis Award (UnIATA 2019) is a step taken to identify and promote such exceptional projects across the globe. UnIATA will focus on the graduate and undergraduate projects happened in last 3 years and will bring it to the community of Uni.