Премия отмечает лучшие архитектурные и дизайн-проекты, реализованные за последние 8 лет. Участвовать могут также концептуальные проекты – их рассматривают отдельно. Всего – более 40 категорий и более 120 наград.
It is our great pleasure and privilege to announce the flagship annual Awards of Rethinking the future for the seventh year in a row! After the exceptional success of previous years, we are launching the Architecture, Construction & Design Awards 2018.
Over more than half a decade Rethinking the Future has been a leading organization committed to providing an international platform to not only recognize and acknowledge design talents from all over the world but also to celebrate and share the knowledge that created through a plethora of competitions, events and academic dialogues in the field of architecture and design. We welcome you to engage in this global endeavor with your peers across the world and participate in ACD Awards 2018!
40+ Categories and 120+ Awards
Our reputable judges from across the globe will award Three Winners in each category. Also, depending on the Jury’s decision, some projects will be awarded Honorable Mentions. ACD Awards has more than 40 categories to offer, further divided under ‘Built’ and ‘Concept’ Categories.