Двадцать третий конкурс «Идея за 24 часа» пройдет под темой «Гуманность» (Humanity). Это состязание дает возможность талантливой молодежи со всего мира представить интересные идеи в области эко-дизайна и устойчивой архитектуры. Задание будет объявлено в назначенный день, и всего за сутки участникам нужно будет проявить свои творческие способности и предложить решение поставленной задачи.
A space where the time limit is used to stimulate your creativity. Commitment, perseverance, inspiration and hard work are the necessary bases to develop a proposal that meets the premises that will be released regularly in the brief of the competition. We challenge you to prove your talent in 24 hours! There are a period of registration on the competition, when it end, started the 24H competition! You have 24H to develop a proposal that responds to a brief that you only know on the same day that start competition. Take the risk!
Are we the holders of civilizational powers?
Are we responsible for the humanitarian safeguard?
Are we responsible for the genocide?
Are we responsible for war crimes?
Are we responsible for wars?
And for peacemaking ages?
And by false morals? And by the values?
And by the rules?
And by the bulletproof countries?
For children, women, man, animals, air, ocean, rivers, plants, trees, jungles?
Yes we are.