до 3 декабря - $50; с 4 по 31 декабря - $60; с 1 января по 1 февраля - $70
для авторов трех лучших проектов - денежный приз $2000 + поездка в Нью-Йорк; победитель получит $3500 дополнительно; шесть поощрительных премий по $1000
Place and Displacement: Integrating Refugee Populations within Cities
Участникам нужно представить на суд жюри идеи по развитию одного из лагерей для беженцев на выбор – в Кении, Иордании или Германии. Задача – устранить социальную и экономическую уязвимость жителей этих поселений, наладить их связь с окружающим миром. Трое победителей смогут лично презентовать свои проекты на симпозиуме в Нью-Йорке.
Refugee livelihoods have become a crucial topic in contemporary geopolitical relations. One fundamental challenge within the current relief assistance model for refugee populations is the separation between inhabitants and local communities. IDeA invites innovative minds around the world to propose spatial design and programmatic solutions that provide opportunities for refugees and local communities to strengthen ties while enabling self-agency. This creative re-knitting of the city can rely on a shared organization and management of activities within co-constructed platforms that involve both refugees and the local community.
Solutions should focus on addressing the economic and social vulnerabilities that refugees face in urban environments and provide creative ways that expand access, participation, and interaction between refugees and their local communities.
The solution should include an operational plan for one of the urban sites below and should be able to run for long-term, i.e. 3-5 years, to benefit as many people as possible with a goal of permanent infrastructure. Your business plan should justify the overall budget limit for both construction and operation of the proposed project, and identify institutional partners and funding sources. Finalists have the opportunity to come to New York City to present at a symposium in April 2018.