Конкурс направлен на формирование нового взгляда на дизайн и архитектуру ресторанов. Организаторы ждут нестандартных проектов, свежих идей. Участники могут предложить отдельные элементы декора или предметы мебели, дизайн-проекты интерьеров или целые павильоны, комплексы зданий. Масштаб проектов и местоположение предполагаемой реализации – не регламентируются.
The aim of the “Eating” competition is to develop a design proposal for the restaurant typology, intended as a place of preparation and consumption of food. It is asked to the participants to create innovative and unconventional projects on this theme, questioning the very basis of the notion of the restaurant.
While numerous top chefs have been reinventing the way food is prepared, fast food companies have revolutionized the way food is consumed and sold. In addition, food trucks and delivery services have been gaining more popularity every day, establishing a new intermediary step between the restaurant and the client.
With similar creative attitude, the participants are urged to create an artifact, merging considerable programmatic innovation and valuable design tools. The proposal can be a device, a piece of furniture, an interior design project, a pavilion, a building or an urban plan. The scale of intervention, program dimensions and location are not given and they can be arranged by the participants to better suit their project.