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Культурный центр в Аделаиде

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 24.11.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 24.11.2017
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Австралия
  город: Аделаида
  открыт для: междисциплинарных команд под руководством профессиональных архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: гонорар для каждой из команд-финалистов - 90 000 австралийских долларов
  организатор: Government of South Australia
Malcolm Reading Consultants
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  постройка: Художественная галерея Adelaide Contemporary
  Adelaide Contemporary International Design Competition
  Участникам конкурса предстоит разработать проекты большого культурного центра, который планируется разместить на территории бывшего госпиталя в Аделаиде. Площадь центра составит 15 000 м². На одной территории планируется объединить искусство и образование, природу и человека. Центр должен стать одной из главных городских достопримечательностей.
The two-stage competition will seek architect-led teams with an initial open global call for Expressions of Interest. Up to six teams will be selected to develop a concept design at the second stage and will need to include an Australian-registered architect, in accordance with the guidelines of the Australian Institute of Architects (AIA). A generous honorarium will be offered at Stage Two. The competition jury will be chaired by eminent Australian arts figure Michael Lynch AO CBE.

Adelaide Contemporary will be a new landmark on the city’s celebrated North Terrace boulevard adjacent to the historic Botanic Garden and close to the parent Gallery.

A unique destination within Australia, Adelaide Contemporary will combine new public and cultural features, creating an accessible community meeting place; integrating art, education, nature and people. The initiative offers the opportunity to strengthen North Terrace’s identity as Adelaide’s creative precinct and expand it eastwards to create a continuous public realm.

Adelaide is located on the traditional lands of the Kaurna people and the project site – previously part of the old Royal Adelaide Hospital – and its surroundings are rich in Kaurna heritage.

Celebrating South Australia’s rich cultural heritage along with its enthusiasm for innovation, Adelaide Contemporary is intended to act as a catalyst for change, using cultural activity to give Adelaide renewed presence nationally and internationally and generate new economic energies.

The brief will embrace South Australia’s Industry Participation Policy, to ensure that maximum economic activity is generated locally from project conception through to delivery; and provide new opportunities for local producers, entrepreneurs and businesses.


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