Премия Сингапурской конфедерации дизайна интерьера отмечает достижения как профессиональных дизайнеров, так и студентов. Для участия в текущем сезоне премии необходимо представить на суд жюри проекты, реализованные или разработанные (если речь идет о студентах) в период с июня 2015 года по июнь 2017. К рассмотрению принимаются интерьеры жилых, коммерческих и общественных пространств.
The 2017 edition of the Interior Design Confederation Singapore’s (IDCS) Design Excellence Awards (DEA), one of the region’s most anticipated interior design competitions, is now open for entries.
The DEA sets to recognise the best of interior design in the commercial, residential and public categories in Singapore and Asia Pacific, endorsing and celebrating the achievements of practitioners and students alike. With DEA, IDCS seeks to champion design excellence, as well as elevate and promote the quality and standards of interior design.
The fifth cycle of the Awards is marked by the introduction of 12 new categories across the two competition tracks: Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) for interior designers and firms; as well as Spatial Design Awards (SPADE) for students. Notable new categories include Exhibition Design, Sustainable Design, Environmental Design for both tracks; and IDEA Project of the Year, Emerging ID Firm of the Year, Top 3 ID Firm of the Year and AkzoNobel Colour Award, which are exclusive to IDEA.
With a wider selection of categories, the DEA 2017 aims to be a more inclusive platform to honour the interior design industry with the highest accolades. The Award is considered a seal of excellence and proof of outstanding achievements in the design field, acknowledged by a professional jury panel.
Design Excellence Awards consist of two competition tracks:
Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) for interior designers and firms