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Urban SOS: «Часовой город»

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 28.06.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 17.07.2017
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: междисциплинарных команд студентов (до 5 человек)
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: призовой фонд - $15 000, команда-победитель получит $25 000 на реализацию проекта
  организатор: AECOM
Van Alen Institute

100 Resilient Cities
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Urban SOS: hOUR City
  Как далеко могут добраться жители современных городов за 1 час? Как решить проблему органиченного доступа жителей окраин к городской инфраструктуре? Над этим предстоит поразмышлять участникам очередного студенческого конкурса Urban SOS. Задача – предложить идеи по развитию жилой, транспортной и экономической систем одного из городов, вошедших в список 100 Resilient Cities.
связанные события:

Urban SOS: Справедливое распределение

Urban SOS: Жизнеспособные системы

Urban SOS: навстречу новой промышленности

Urban SOS: Границы. Международный студенческий конкурс

URBAN SOS: Трансформации. Студенческий конкурс идей

Urban SOS - открытый конкурс идей
Historically, the boundaries of a city were defined by how far people could travel in one hour. These boundaries determined the reach of a city’s infrastructure, and its exchanges with surrounding areas. With the forces of globalization and dramatic geographic, social and economic shifts, the time has come to reimagine these boundaries. We’re challenging students to consider new ways for urban, suburban, and rural communities to connect to opportunity.

Presented by AECOM and Van Alen Institute, with 100 Resilient Cities — Pioneered by The Rockefeller Foundation, hOUR City is this year’s Urban SOS™ student ideas competition. We’re asking students to propose new solutions to tackle housing, transportation, or economic development challenges and to re-imagine what a future “hour city” boundary can be.

The three systems represent some of the biggest challenges society faces today: How do we increase the supply of high-quality affordable housing? How can we improve mobility to offer greater access to jobs, homes, markets, and services? Can we develop more equitable economies that reach a wider range of people, including those with limited skills and education, and those living in remote rural areas?

Students are encouraged to propose policy strategies, business models, and other solutions to address their chosen challenge, but these proposals must be accompanied by a physical intervention at a specific site in a city within the 100 Resilient Cities network. Students must form a multidisciplinary team of two to five members to enter, and include students from two disciplines at a minimum. Entrants must be enrolled in a certified program during the 2017-2018 academic year to participate.


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