Matimex International Architecture Prize (Premio Internacional de Arquitectura Matimex)
Премия вручается компанией Matimex уже в третий раз. Тема этого года – «Архитектура баланса». Принять участие могут профессиональные архитекторы и студенты. Обязательным условием является использование в проектах продукции Fiandre Iris Ceramica Group. Работы профессионалов и студентов будут оцениваться отдельно.
PIAM is an international architecture contest for professionals and students who use Fiandre Iris Ceramica Group materials to develop a project concept or submit a project prepared previously which have been changed with use of Fiandre Iris Ceramica Group materials.
This third edition of PIAM focuses on reflection about: "THE ARCHITECTURE OF BALANCE".
Holistic well-being is an increasingly widely accepted concept in today’s society, as we realise that we need to take care of our bodies just as we keep our minds trained; the two are parts of a single indivisible whole. Many architectural spaces are partly or entirely dedicated to the attempt to achieve this balance: sports facilities, gyms, alternative treatment centres, spas, wellness hotels, beauty centres and so on, as well as centres dedicated entirely to health and medical treatments. But we are confident that there are still many ways of exploring this field of architecture and interior design.