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Саморазвивающийся город будущего

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.04.2017
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.04.2017
  дата объявления результатов: 01.05.2017
  тема: Урбанистика
  страна: Южная Корея
  открыт для: архитекторов, урбанистов, ландшафтных дизайнеров
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: участие в выставке The Self-Evolving City + 7 млн корейских вон на подготовку к ней
  организатор: UIA Seoul 2017
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Self-Evolving City of the Future
  Конкурс проводится в рамках архитектурного конгресса Международного союза архитекторов (UIA), который пройдет в сентябре в Сеуле. Участникам необходимо создать проекты на тему «Саморазвивающийся город будущего». Пять лучших работ будут представлены на выставке The Self-Evolving City, для подготовки к которой авторы получат по 7 млн корейских вон.
связанные события:

XXVI Всемирный конгресс МСА - Сеул 2017
The Organizing Committee of <UIA Seoul 2017> invites brilliant ideas that best demonstrate the theme of the Self-Evolving City of the Future. Winning entries will be displayed in UIA Seoul’s special exhibition in September 2017, and their fabrication expenses will be supported.

Urban civilization is in transition. As climate change resulting from fossil fuel use is expected to have a catastrophic impact on human life in the near future, the meaning of visionary projects from the past will fade. In particular, East Asian mega-cities are in crisis; in order to make them more sustainable, there is a need to go beyond modern urban models. These models were predetermined, closed in end, and thus not responsive to self-evolving processes. By contrast, future cities will shift from the pursuit of material civilization to the pursuit of nature.

Planning and evolution are two processes that generate urban form and place in history. Whereas planning is designed to satisfy the ideologies and motivations for a built environment at a specific time, evolution refers to an accumulation of all changes that occur as a result of the unique conditions of a given place and lifestyle. Although sometimes contradictory, they are complementary processes. Many urban problems have occurred because architects did not effectively consider the combination of planning and evolution. However, future urban planning will include the two levels of planning and evolution simultaneously, which we refer to as <The Self-Evolving City>.

This reflects a sustainable city that can adapt to urban evolution, one that continues to evolve through a large dataset of urban plans, and for which new optimal solutions can be predicted by simulating all viable options. Similar to a human brain, such cities do not continue to function as automatic machines, but have their own value system on which to base judgments. To do this, Self-Evolving Cities utilize schemes, cognitive maps, and a model of mental states to represent the self. Through this self-awareness process, a city can evolve its own unique urban identity. The emergence of <The Self-Evolving City> will spur a drastic change in the role of architects in urban planning.


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