Каждый год жюри Fuller Challenge присуждает участнику, представившему лучший проект, премию в $100 000 – на дальнейшую разработку и воплощение в жизнь его идеи, обладающей потенциалом для решения какой-либо из актуальных проблем человечества. Проекты конкурсантов должны быть продуманными, рассчитанными на развитие в будущем, экологичными, реализуемыми, выдерживающими жесткую проверку опытным путем, легко воспроизводимыми.
The Buckminster Fuller Institute (BFI) formally announces the Call for Proposals to the 2017 Fuller Challenge. BFI invites innovators who are addressing the many crises facing humanity and the fundamental systems that support life on Earth to enter to win the 2017 Fuller Challenge Prize. For the past decade, The Buckminster Fuller Challenge has been widely regarded as socially-responsible design’s highest award, contributing to advancing whole-systems approaches to solving humanity’s most pressing problems while highlighting and nurturing countless such initiatives.
This year BFI reaches a major milestone as we mark the 10th anniversary of this unique prize. We encourage as many people as possible to respond to this call to enter the Challenge, making this year a particularly memorable one. Entering the Challenge with a high-quality application that meets the criteria ensures that your entry will be vetted by a world-class review team, that your work will be promoted to a wider audience, and that you will have the opportunity to win the $100,000 grand prize.
People from all over the world working in many fields—including science, design, architecture, engineering, education, contemporary art, urban planning, healthcare, socially responsible business, communications, economics, finance, information technology, agriculture, and food systems—are all welcome to enter the Challenge.
The $100,000 grand prize will support the development and implementation of one outstanding strategy, but the Fuller Challenge offers more than a single financial award. The program aims to leverage further resources for finalists, semifinalists, and select entrants through its network and Catalyst Program.