2017 UIA-PHG Student Competition: Smart, Green & Beyond: Health Care Facility of the Future
Конкурсантам необходимо ответить на вопрос, как архитектура и дизайн могут способствовать решению проблем современной отрасли здравоохранения. Основное внимание следует уделить проблемам «устойчивости» медучреждений. Проекты должны быть нацелены на удовлетворение потребностей растущего населения городов и одновременно на снижение затрат.
The International Union of Architects Public Health Group (UIA-PHG), the Global University Program in Healthcare Architecture (GUPHA) and the China Hospital Construction Conference (CHCC) are accepting submissions for their newly launched competition, “Smart, Green & Beyond: Healthcare Facility of the Future”, which seeks to raise awareness about sustainability in the design of healthcare facilities.
The competition regulations are in accordance with the UIA-UNESCO Guidelines for International Design Competitions, and the competition was organized in cooperation with the UIA International Competitions Commission and the UIA General Secretariat.
The competition organizers are looking for innovative proposals that address the challenges facing the healthcare industry. Competitors will explore the following questions, eliciting creative responses to current issues in healthcare design, including dealing with limited resources, utilizing new technologies, meeting the needs of an increasing population and reducing cost.