На конкурсе оцениваются идеи по созданию мобильного музея для людей с ограниченными возможностями, который позволил бы им вести полноценную социальную и культурную жизнь. Участие могут принять молодые архитекторы (до 40 лет). Одного из четырех победителей выберут сами участники.
The Antalya branch of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey has launched the eleventh edition of the international ideas competition open to young architects throughout the world.
This initiative, organized each year since 2010 in coordination with the Forum of Young Architects, has received the support of the UIA.
The theme chosen this year is “Mobile Museum for the Disabled.” The participants are invited to develop designs for “a mobile museum for the disabled” which would help these members of the society to participate fully in social, cultural and everyday life. Participants are asked to reflect deeply on the implications of “speed,” a fundamental consequence of globalisation, and on the way we perceive space and time.
The competition is open to architects born after 1976 who are registered with the professional organization of their respective countries.