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HYP Cup 2016. Трансформация архитектуры - студенческий конкурс

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 31.07.2016
  dead-line подачи проектов: 31.08.2016
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Китай
  открыт для: студентов архитектурных и дизайнерских специальностей; индивидуальных участников и команд до 4 человек
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: I место - 100 000 юаней; II место - три приза по 30 000 юаней; III место - восемь призов по 10 000 юаней
  жюри: Bernard Tschumi, Cui Kai, Jaque Ferrier, René-Henri Arnaud, Wong Mun Summ, Zhuang Weimin, Li Zhenyu, Han Dongqing, Zhang Qi, Liu Kecheng, Peng Lixiao, Gong Jun
  организатор: International Union of Architects (UIA)
  контакты: [email protected]
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Architecture in Transformation: Concept and Notation - HYP CUP 2016
  Международный студенческий конкурс UIA-HYP Cup проводится в пятый раз. Состязание направлено на поиск оригинальных архитектурных идей, социально ориентированных и основанных на концепции устойчивого развития. Участникам предлагается переосмыслить историю архитектуры и предложить пути ее трансформации с учетом потребностей современного человека. Для проектирования конкурсанты могут выбрать один из пяти объектов: библиотека, музей, медицинская клиника, мини-отель, кладбище. Место гипотетической реализации – также на усмотрение участников.
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Architecture in Transformation should make responses to current situation and era. What concerns us is the relationship between architecture and city, and between architecture and natural environment. The competition aims at searching and constructing human space with a sense of place in the increasingly fragmented cities and unordered villages, exploring environment-friendly and sustainable ideas in the information age, and integrating creative design concepts with solid basic skills effectively in architectural education. The competition requires the participants to make detailed examinations and reflections on architectural history, exploring complicated requirements to architecture and environment by current users, pay attention to events in specific sites, and configure viable urban and architectural spaces.

2016 marks the fifth edition of UIA-HYP Cup International Student Competition in Architectural Design, the sole annual international architecture competition for students in Mainland China that receives the support of Union International des Architects (UIA). It is a platform for global architecture students to approach the theme “Architecture in Transformation”, and for the rest of the world to check out the latest trend of Chinese architectural education. The jury members include the leading architects, deans and directors from top architecture schools. With its challenging topics, prestigious jury panel as well as professional operation, UIA-HYP Cup competition has grown to become a major student competition in China and its global profile continues to rise.

JURY CHAIRMAN: Bernard Tschumi
Theme: Concept and Notation

-Architecture is not so much a knowledge of form as a form of knowledge.
-Architecture is the materialization of concepts.
-Concept, not form, is what distinguishes architecture from mere building.
-A bicycle shed with a concept is architecture; a cathedral without one is not.
-Architecture is the discourse of events as much as the discourse of spaces.
-Architecture is not only what it looks like, but also what it does.
-Vectors activate; envelopes define.

Purpose: Architecture almost exclusively uses visual means to outline what it does: Plans, Sections, Elevations, Perspectives, Axonometrics. But what about movement—the movement of bodies in space? Are there modes of notation applicable to what has been excluded from architectural discourse? What about the other four senses—touch, sound, smell, and why not taste? In this competition, you will invent new modes of notation that not only include the proposed movement of bodies in space, but also lead to an architectural concept, namely an overriding idea that directs the development of your scheme.

The program will act as an urban generator. By this, we mean a place that can foster and encourage new modes of living unknown till today.

Precedents: Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, Sergei Eisenstein and John Cage

1. Participants must choose one of the following five programs: library, museum, clinic, love hotel, cemetery.
2. The site is a hypothetical freestanding block in an urban area anywhere in the world. Its size is 30m by 60m and 30m high.
3. Language and Measurement Unit: English is the official language of the competition.


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