CLUE Competition - Edition 02: Lightius Loci. Spirit of light
В настоящее время мы можем наблюдать тенденцию к обезличиванию пространств. Светодизайн может стать одним из решений для придания любому ландшафту, интерьеру, экстерьеру неповторимый характер. В этом году участникам конкурса CLUE предлагается подумать о том, как создать уникальный облик места за счет освещения.
From one village to another, from a great capital to another, from one continent to another, there are fewer discoveries for the traveler: this epidemic phenomenon, sanitizes cities as well as man. Humanity has no more time to think; ease and expediency reigns. Everything must go quickly, risking the abuse of the copy-paste and multiplying the mistakes by overriding respect for context, originality of a place, a space: globalization tends to depersonalize our environment.
The spirit of place. In the religion of ancient Rome, a genius loci was the protective spirit of a place. Man, over history, has always endeavored to promote local quality of its environment to build their living environment. The intrinsic characteristics of a place differ from a geographic, sociologic, demographic, urban point of view, giving the place its uniqueness. Whatever the level, the context, the creation must be an appropriate response to the sense of place: the place must be the starting point of the reflection of design.
The second edition of the CLUE competition invites you to think about the spirit of a place where light does not escape the genius loci design principle.
Candidates should choose a place without limitation of scale, location, inside and outside, and provide a response in line with the local reality.
Proposals will be evaluated primarily according to relevance of the lighting plan in relation to the selected location and context.