Green Furniture Award – the design competition for Outstanding Sustainable Design
Green Furniture Award – престижная премия в области устойчивого дизайна. Участникам необходимо представить на суд жюри концепции экологичной мебели, которые ранее не были реализованы. Лучшие изделия организаторы премии могут запустить в серийное производство.
Green Furniture Award is the leading design competition for sustainable furniture. Designs that are not yet signed up for production can compete. The competition is open for design professionals and students.
Outstanding Sustainable Design incorporates aspects as the choice and sourcing of material, production methods, efficient use of materials, ways of disassembling and recycling, social responsibility, etc. Outstanding Sustainable Design is also meaning a piece of furniture to keep and treasure – with a story to tell, that ages in a nice way, that can last beyond current trends, and have the potential of becoming a classic.