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Чикагская архитектурная биеннале 2015

выставка Архитектура
  дата: 03.10.2015 - 03.01.2016
  страна: США
  город: Чикаго
  организатор: Chicago Architecture Biennial, Inc.
  ссылки: Официальный сайт биеннале
  2015: The Inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial
  Биеннале, призванная продемонстрировать последние достижения архитектуры и очертить перспективы ее развития, пройдет в Чикаго впервые. Участие в выставке, тема которой «Современное состояние архитектуры» (The State of the Art of Architecture), примут архитекторы и мастерские из более чем 30 стран. В рамках биеннале будет организована образовательная программа, состоятся дискуссии и круглые столы, посвященные сегодняшнему состоянию и проблемам архитектуры.
  Анна Маикова. Какой была первая Чикагская архитектурная биеннале// Strelka Magazine, 20.01.2016
  Чикаго хочет повторить успех Венецианской архитектурной биеннале, 26.06.2014
связанные события:

Киоск на берегу озера Мичиган
The inaugural Chicago Architecture Biennial, North America’s largest international survey of contemporary architecture, will launch in October 2015.

Through its constellation of exhibitions, full-scale installations, and program of events, the Chicago Architecture Biennial will invite the public to engage with and think about architecture in new and unexpected ways, and to take part in a global discussion about the future of the field.

The Chicago Architecture Biennial is a vision of Mayor Rahm Emanuel for a major international architectural event and an outcome of the comprehensive cultural plan developed by Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events. It is presented through the support of BP, and in partnership with the City of Chicago and the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts.

Chicago Architecture Biennial, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation charged with executing the inaugural 2015 Biennial and subsequent biennials. Chicago Architecture Biennial, Inc. is dedicated to creating an international forum on architecture and urbanism through the production of exhibitions and public programs. Chicago Architecture Biennial, Inc. seeks to convene the world’s leading practitioners, theorists and commentators in the field of architecture and urbanism to explore, debate and demonstrate the significance of architecture to contemporary society.


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