за лучшую работу в разделе «Постройка» - $1000; за лучшую работу в разделе «Проект» - $500
Белорусский союз архитекторов при поддержке Министерства архитектуры и строительства Республики Беларусь, Министерства культуры Республики Беларусь,
Минского городского исполнительного комитета,
Международного союза архитекторов (МСА),
Международной ассоциации союзов архитекторов (МАСА)
Leonardo 2015 - Minsk International Biennale of young architects competition
VI Минская международная биеннале молодых архитекторов «Леонардо» проходит в рамках Белорусского национального архитектурного фестиваля. Возраст участников не должен превышать 40 лет. Постройки и проекты рассматриваются в шести номинациях: «Градостроительство и планировка», «Общественные и промышленные комплексы, здания и сооружения», «Жилые многоэтажные дома», «Жилые одноквартирные и малоэтажные дома», «Ландшафтная архитектура, уличный дизайн, монументальное искусство и скульптура в архитектуре», «Интерьеры зданий и сооружений».
Minsk has become a traditional place of creative contacts of young talented architects from many countries. «Leonardo» gives all participants an opportunity for friendly professional communication, information sharing, establishing of contacts and tabulation of results.
Minsk International Biennale of young architects «Leonardo» is a part of the National Festival of Architecture. Today, «Leonardo» translates into an architectural movement and becomes an integral part of the professional architectural community. Biennale has become very popular not only in CIS, but also in Central and Eastern Europe. Last time the Award brought together more than 300 works from 28 countries in Europe and Asia: Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Macedonia, Hungary, Slovakia, Finland, Austria Slovenia, Germany, Holland, Czech Republic, Israel, Turkey, Serbia, Spain, Greece, China and others.
Biennale was first organized in 2005. In 2009, the Biennale was held for the first time under the auspices of the International Union of Architects and gripped the countries of Regions I and II of the UIA.
Biennale aims to familiarize the general public of the Republic of Belarus and other countries with the works of young architects of national architectural unions (sections), members of the International Union of Architects (UIA); enhance their professional skills for practicing design and research activities in the field of architecture, urban planning and architectural design; identify promising directions of development of modern architecture and urban planning; popularize creative achievements of young architects; expand and strengthen the cultural, creative and humanitarian ties between the creative youth in the CIS, Europe, Asia and other continents.