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Медельин: сознательная топография

выставка Архитектура
  дата: 06.06.2015 - 30.07.2015
  страна: Германия
  город: Берлин
  адрес: Aedes Am Pfefferberg
Christinenstraße 18-19, 10119 Berlin
  организатор: Aedes Architecture Forum
  ссылки: Официальный сайт выставки
  Medellín: Topography of Knowledge
  Выставка познакомит посетителей с уникальным архитектурным опытом колумбийского города Медельин. Это место является показательным примером «социального урбанизма». За последние 25 лет город прошел путь от одного из самых преступных в мире до благополучного и развивающегося. Достичь этого удалось в том числе за счет архитектурных и урбанистических преобразований, отвечающих не только современным веяниям, но, в первую очередь, потребностям местных жителей.
  Владимир Белоголовский. Социально-политическая архитектура, 09.04.2012
As a prelude to the exhibition opening the "Ensamble Vocal de Medellín" will perform from their European Tour repertoire. Afterwards, we cordially invite you to a summer reception.

Taking a closer look at contemporary practices in the architecture and urban planning of Latin America, Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin explores the forms of knowledge creating in Medellín, Colombia through a comprehensive insight of a twenty-five years recovery. Following the last Aedes exhibitions about urban spatial practice in Latin America of “Paraísópolis, São Paulo“, “Downtown Bogotá, My Ideal City” and “Torre David, Informal Vertical Communities”, Aedes returns to South America to learn from a city that transforms knowledge and skill into a vision for social equality and prosperity.

Celebrated as the most "Innovative City 2013" by the Wall Street Journal and the Urban Land Institute, Medellín is the quintessential symbol for urban metamorphosis. With its participation in the 4th "Global Holcim Awards 2015", the most important international competition for sustainable building, the city won the "Holcim Awards Gold". What makes it a reference model lies as much in its exceptional public facilities and infrastructure as it does in the socially driven, progressive urban policies and bold formats for cooperation. “Medellín: Topography of Knowledge” is an exhibition and programme that will investigate and disseminate lessons from the Medellín Model, bringing together the diverse range of actors behind it.

Over the last years, the city received attention and praise for leaving its crime-ridden years behind, and transforming itself into an international reference for urban innovation. Bold and fresh, recent public architecture proposes an inventive model to split costs and share benefits in order to promote civic life. In a country of alarming inequality, these educational projects initiate physical and cultural processes of knowledge creation that use public amenities to challenge norms and bridge the disparity gap. Medellín is developing an urban ecology of high social purpose, under the premise of collaborative urbanism and civic symbolism. The so-called ‘Medellin Model’ is as much about creativity as it is about coalitions, teamwork and an intense participatory process. These striking and inspirational endeavours conceal unusual partnerships between the public sector, private entities, the academic-educative field and architectural offices.

Beyond sculptural architecture and daring infrastructure, the exhibition shows how the city spearheaded a campaign against violence and poverty that led to an exciting reawakening of public life. ‘Medellin, Topography of Knowledge’ is an invitation to look more closely at the complex, yet transcendental example of development that defines the City of Eternal Spring as both a design destination and a model for collective urban processes.

The exhibition will explain the “topography of knowledge” while locating key projects into three main urban landscapes. Geographic maps, urban infrastructure and planning guidelines will give an overview about the landscape and the surrounding conditions as well as recalling Medellín’s transformative journey over the course of the last few decades. Through photographs, diagrams, videos and drawings this topographical layering captures strategies, architecture and infrastructure as well as the visions of the city’s newest masterplan passed earlier this year; which is geared towards regenerating the river, prioritizing sustainable mobility and controlling sprawl around the periphery.


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