для профессионалов: Гран-при - $10 000, второе место - $5000, поощрительный приз - $1500; за лучший студенческий проект - $1500
John Hardy, CEO, The John Hardy Group
Simon Turner, President of Global Development, Starwood Hotels
James Woods, COO, The Bowls LLC
Jena Thornton, Managing Director, Eagle Rock Ventures
Michael Medzigian, CEO & Director, Carey Watermark Investors Inc
Wing T. Chao, Founding Principal, Wing T. Chao Architect
Claude Amar, President, The John Hardy Group International
Премия присуждается за лучшие инновационные дизайнерские решения в области гостиничной индустрии. Участникам предстоит разработать оригинальную концепцию отеля и представить ее на суд жюри, которое состоит из лидеров отрасли. Проекты профессионалов и студентов оцениваются отдельно. Победителей определит зрительское голосование во время торжественной церемонии премии.
Radical Innovation is a movement that challenges the hotel industry to elevate the guest experience using new thinking in design and operations. Each year, submissions are reviewed by leaders in the hotel industry and presented in front of influencers and investors. Finalists are selected by our jury based on the following criteria: concept, design, creativity and potential impact on the industry.
These ideas are then presented on stage during the Radical Innovation live event where the audience will vote to determine the winners, at the New Museum in New York, on September 30th.
Rules for entry:
Concept (built or unbuilt) must be truly innovative and offer the market something that is not widely available.
Concepts must include guestrooms and lobby/public areas.
Including food and beverage facilities (and other amenities) is optional, but recommended.