Летом пляжи в окрестностях Торонто полны жизни, людей и веселья. Чего не скажешь про холодное время года. Организаторы предлагают исправить эту ситуацию и разработать арт-объекты и инсталляции на тему «Тепло», которые добавили бы движения, цвета и юмора в унылый зимний пейзаж.
Основу инсталляции составят металлические каркасы вышек спасателей, расположенные на пляже. Конкурсанты не ограничены в размерах объекта, однако стоит помнить о том, что конструкции должны быть устойчивыми и безопасными.
Although the Beaches neighbourhood of Toronto is a summer long festival of colour and pageantry, this is not true of the winter months. This year we begin what we hope will become an expanded annual celebration of Toronto's winter landscape, focusing on the intersection between land and water.
We are beginning with the Kew, Scarborough and Balmy Beaches located in the heart of the Beach community, broadly located south of Queen Street East, between Woodbine and Victoria Park Avenues. Located on the beach between the Leuty Lifeguard Station and the Balmy Beach Club are five evenly spaced metal life guard stands. These utilitarian structures are to be used as the armature or foundation for pieces of public art. The pieces are temporary installations and need to be able to withstand the rigours of Toronto winter weather. They are to be installed February 16, 2015 until March 20, 2015.
We have chosen a theme of Warmth this year. Competitors are asked to create installations anchored to the lifeguard stands which can add among other things, colour, movement and humour to the landscape. It is hoped these installations will engage the audience in a dialogue with designers and their intent. There is no limit to the size of the installation, but please note that included in the jurors instructions will be durability and constructability.