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Фрэнк Гери. Ретроспектива

выставка Архитектура
  дата: 08.10.2014 - 26.01.2015
  страна: Франция
  город: Париж
  адрес: Центр Помпиду
Centre Pompidou, Place Georges-Pompidou, 75004
  организатор: Центр Помпиду
  ссылки: centrepompidou.fr
  архитекторы: Фрэнк Гери
  Frank Gehry exhibition at the Centre Pompidou.
  Первая в Европе выставка, на которой представлено большинство работ Фрэнка Гери, призвана пролить свет на творческий путь архитектора с 1960-х гг. до настоящего времени. Экспозиция делится на 6 хронологических блоков. Всего на выставке собрано около 220 рисунков Фрэнка Гери и более 60 макетов.
  Алексей Тарханов. Пальцем в небо// Коммерсантъ-Weekend, №43
The «Frank Gehry» monographic exhibition presented at the Centre Pompidou retraces the stages marking a globally acclaimed body of architectural work. If the name of Frank Gehry embodies the very image of contemporary architecture, it is because his work has been questioning the identity and standards of the architectural form since the Sixties.

The exhibition is intended to shed light on this career. It is divided into six sections, following the development of his work through some 60 projects, with a large number of original drawings and research models. From the first period of his work (when the architect was close to artists on the Californian scene and working on a new grammar) to the development of a production platform that incorporated new digital tools, Gehry has pushed out the boundaries of architecture and emancipated it from all its conventions. A patient constructor, a creator receptive to all kinds of inventions and open to every challenge, he produces work that is both critical and practical, and has led to reflection about the heterogeneous nature of the city and the fluidity of the architectural organism.

After an initial presentation of Gehry's European projects at the Centre Pompidou in 1992, this exhibition now provides a comprehensive overview of a major body of work, for the first time in Europe.


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