Задание конкурса – проект стула и/или стола. Главным материалом для обоих предметов должна быть древесина: бука, дуба или ореха. Может использоваться шпон или фанера, для стула – обивка. Применение других материалов – таких, как металл, пластик, стекло и пр., разрешено только в роли вспомогательных. Объекты должны быть экономичными, функциональными и эргономичными.
In order to participate, contestants must design an item of furniture (seat or table) that integrates all the specifications outlined by Andreu World, SA in the product briefing and which resolves the accompanying technical and formal challenges in the terms indicated.
Seating: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Chairs may be upholstered to a greater or lesser extent, if considered appropriate and veneered board or plywood
Tables: The main material used shall be Beech wood, Oak wood or Walnut. Tables may be veneered board or plywood
The use of other materials such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. is allowed when complementary, structural or incidental to the above.
All designs presented shall be new, not having been marketed or disclosed prior to the date of the Competition.