современная архитектура
dead-line регистрации:
dead-line подачи проектов:
дата объявления результатов:
открыт для:
студентов: индивидуальных участников и команд (до 5 человек)
регистрационный взнос:
1-е место – $3 000; 2-е место – $2 000; 3-е место – $1 000; трое победителей и еще два лауреата получат также по $3 000 на посещение конгресса CTBUH-2012 в Шанхае.
Совет по высотным зданиям и городской среде (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat - CTBUH)
CTBUH 2014 3rd International Student Tall Building Design Competition
Цель состязания – новый взгляд на значение и ценность высотных зданий в современном обществе. Небоскребы должны не просто служить примером удачного формообразования или уникального дизайна, но и, по мнению организаторов, вносить свой вклад в развитие экологичной и устойчивой архитектурной среды. Именно поэтому тема конкурса этого года звучит так: «На пути к устойчивому вертикальному урбанизму».
Участок для проектирования конкурсанты могут выбрать самостоятельно, в любой точке мира. Однако это должен быть «реальный» участок, особенности которого необходимо учитывать в проекте. Функциональная программа и размер проекта небоскреба остаются на усмотрение участников.
In light of global climate change, public awareness of urban sustainability has forced designers to rethink and reinvent the role of the high-rise building type. They must contribute to the protection of endangered environments and off er sustainable alternatives to how cities operate, as they meet the growing demands of urban dwelling and reshaping the landscape of modern cities. It is increasingly important that tall buildings connect with the urban fabric, integrating with the existing city/street life, and refl ect the nature of the city in which they are built.
Participants are free to site their projects anywhere in the world. But this is not to undervalue the importance of site – participants should carefully consider their site (which must be a "real" site, in an existing urban location) as the site context should inherently have signifi cant infl uence over the project's design. Participants are also free to determine the size, height, function, accommodation and responsibilities of the building. The intention is these freedoms on site and program will maximize the diversity and creativity of the responses. It is also intended to allow students from specifi c high-rise educational studies around the world during the 2013–14 academic year to submit their projects for consideration.
Participants should engage with the exploration and resolution of the synergistic relationship of placing a tall building in a unique existing urban setting; how that tall building can be inspired by the cultural, physical, and environmental aspects of its site; and how the program of the building is infl uenced by the micro and macro site/urban conditions. Proposals should show evidence of a clear understanding of how considerations of structure, environment, servicing, etc. are as vital to the success of a tall building as the form, materials, aesthetics, etc.