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Вертикальные фермы

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 18.05.2025
  dead-line подачи проектов: 21.05.2025
  дата объявления результатов: 07.07.2025
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от € 65 за команду
  награда: 1-я премия € 5000, 2-я премия € 3000, 3-я премия € 2000, 5 золотых упоминания по € 1000, 10 почетных упоминаний, 30 финалистов
  • Mauro Zamarian, ZERO
  • Enrico Frizzera, MANNI GROUP
  • Andreas Tjeldflaat, FRAMLAB
  • Ming-Jen Hsueh, SASAKI
  • Arne Emerson, MORPHOSIS
  • Paul Woolford, HOK
  • Fokke Moerel, MVRDV
  организатор: YAC (Young Architects Competitions) и Manni Group
  ссылки: Подробнее о конкурсе>>>
  Vertical Farms
  Участникам предлагается разработать проекты вертикальных ферм, способных обеспечивать население продовольствием даже в условиях глобальной урбанизации и сокращения площади сельскохозяйственных угодий.

Цель конкурса – переосмыслить традиционную схему сельскохозяйственного производства и предложить архитектурные решения для интеграции вертикальных ферм в городскую среду. Проекты должны объединять передовые технологии, принципы «устойчивого» развития и эстетическую привлекательность.

© youngarchitectscompetitions.com
Few innovations have marked the history of mankind as much as agriculture, and in spite of technological progress, even fewer innovations have kept their perception or meaning unchanged over the millennia.

Despite being mechanized, shaped by genetic experimentation, and increasingly less sustainable, agriculture remains, in the collective imagination, associated with a rural ideal of harmony and balance with nature.

Until today. 

Regardless of its perceptions, traditional agriculture is showing major limitations in light of present-day challenges. Population growth, and thus the need for more and more crops, are in fact triggering a global crisis in the availability of fertile soil and food products.

This is where vertical farms come into play: impressive buildings, where cultivation towers lit by artificial light, use technology to force natural processes. In a few thousand square metres, they can replicate the output of hectares of land and numerous seasonal cycles.

These are avant-garde and still relatively unexplored objects, but they will progressively populate our cities, becoming sources of sustenance and an integral part of the landscape and collective imagination –just as farmland, mills, and granaries have been for centuries.

What identity should be given to the machine-buildings of the future, which will be key to global power? And what form should be designed for a new archetype that will become a common feature of the urban landscape?

This is the question posed by Vertical Farms, the competition by YAC and Manni Group, aimed at laying the foundations for future reflection on how to nourish the planet, and thus continuing to write the history of the ancient miracle that has always fascinated and sustained mankind: agriculture.

YAC would like to thank all the designers who will take up this challenge.


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