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Ребрендинг города Термоли в Италии

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 02.05.2025
  dead-line подачи проектов: 02.05.2025
  дата объявления результатов: 30.05.2025
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от 49 €
  награда: 1-я премия 7000 €, 2-я премия 2000 €, 3-я премия 1000 €. 10 почетных упоминаний (участвуют в выставке вместе с тремя победителями), 30 финалистов
  • PAOLO DE MATTEIS LARIVERA, Fondazione MACTE [Termoli, Italy]
  • PALOMA HERRERO E., Stefano Boeri Architetti [Havana, Cuba]
  • MATTIA TORRACO, Comune di Termoli [Termoli, Italy]
  • LUCA CHERI, Museo Nivola [Orani, Italy]
  • OLIVIA GORI, ECÒL [Florence, Italy]
  • ANNA CABRERA HENS, Barcelona City Council [Barcelona, Spain]
  • HASSAN NASSER, District [Milan, Italy]
  • CAMILLA GEUSA, CBA [Rome, Italy]
  организатор: TerraViva S.r.l.
  ссылки: Подробнее о конкурсе>>>
  Rebranding Termoli: a new urban identity on the Adriatic Sea
  Участники конкурса должны предложить идеи по улучшению имиджа и формированию идентичности города Термоли на восточном побережье Италии. Цель проекта – переосмысление городских пространств, привлечение внимания к культурным и природным достопримечательностям, а также создание бренда, отражающего дух и будущее города.

© terravivacompetitions.com

© terravivacompetitions.com

© terravivacompetitions.com

© terravivacompetitions.com
The city of Termoli stands at the crossroads of history, culture and modernity. This charming coastal town on the Adriatic Sea is undergoing a transformation, redefining its identity on both national and international stages, embracing the power of art and culture as essential tools for this evolution.

Through this unique TerraViva competition, architects, designers, artists and creative are invited to contribute with their ideas to Termoli’s rebranding efforts. Acknowledging the pivotal role of art in shaping its urban fabric, the city aims to establish a new Place Branding strategy that honors its illustrious past while envisioning its future as a vibrant forward-thinking destination.

This ambitious initiative seeks to craft a fresh and engaging visual identity for Termoli, one that resonates with both residents and visitors. The goal is to enhance the city's cultural significance and amplify its appeal as a tourist destination, cultural-commercial hub and investment opportunity.

Participants are encouraged to delve into Termoli’s multifaceted richness, exploring its heritage, stunning coastal landscapes and ever-evolving cultural scene. How can the city’s medieval roots and maritime lifestyle blend seamlessly with its aspirations to connect with a global audience?

The answer to this question will serve as the foundation for designing an authentic, contemporary and impactful urban brand.

The winning project will be awarded the prestigious Premio Termoli and adopted by the Municipality as the city’s new visual identity. Additionally, the three winners and ten honorable mentions will be showcased at the MACTE Museum as part of a dedicated exhibition, further celebrating the innovative contributions of this competition.


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