Проектирование и строительство школы в районе Кашиту (Замбия)
dead-line регистрации:
dead-line подачи проектов:
дата объявления результатов:
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регистрационный взнос:
Победившая команда получит возможность самостоятельно реализовать проект в Замбии: ей будет оказана помощь в поиске финансирования.
• Chairman: Jan Tilinger
• Juror: Petr Čanda (Project Coordinator)
• Juror: Bornface Mamfunda (Chairman of New Renato Community Society )
• Juror: Anežka Havránková (Chairman of Přátelé New Renato)
Чешский технический университет в Праге
Kashitu School Design and Construction Competition
Участникам конкурса предлагается разработать проект комплекса средней школы в сельском районе Кашиту в центральной части Замбии. В Кашиту живут более 18 000 человек, но здесь есть только начальные школы – всего восемь. Ежегодно их оканчивают около 1 000 учеников, у которых нет возможности продолжить образование в средней школе, расположенной ближе 40 км.
Задание конкурса – проект функционального и комфортного здания для учебы детей, учитывающий местные климат и традиции, использующий типичные для Замбии материалы. Участники должны предложить «устойчивые» решения, которые будут минимально воздействовать на окружающую среду и принимать во внимание будущее расширение школы. Проект должен быть не только практичным и экономически эффективным, но и эстетически привлекательным, способствовать формированию безопасной и благоприятной атмосферы для детей и преподавателей.
INSPIRELI KASHITU SCHOOL Competition – Design and Build
The school capacity should initially serve 250 students distributed in a 5-year-long study curriculum. The final school capacity is 400 students. The proposed campus will serve as a boarding school but will also welcome students from nearby areas. Students will be educated in both academic and practical education. The whole project is being developed and realized with a close collaboration with the local community which will participate in the construction.
The secondary school construction is planned at a plot of 7 hectares. The campus should encompass classrooms, practical education facilities, such as workshops and laboratories, boarding facilities, including a dining hall and dormitories, and an assembly hall. The accommodation of teachers is not included in the assignment (It will be placed on a nearby plot but it is not part of the competition. It is marked building phase 2 in the attached masterplan). Three buildings were already constructed on the secondary school plot. First is a carpentry workshop which will be used as the base for other buildings constructions.
The other is a family house for the secondary school watchmen. The third building is a nearby nursery, constructed more than 10 years ago, where the preschool education is taking place.
Inspireli Kashitu architectural competition calls for innovative student designs of the buildings in the Kashitu Secondary School Campus which would push both architectural and technical boundaries of the current design of a typical Zambian school. It is advised that the proposal is structured as a catalog of building designs. The included designs should contain:
2 workshop buildings for practical education which would contain the rooms for teaching agriculture, cooking, tailoring, and metal fabrication (A workshop for bricklaying and carpentry was already constructed)
boarding facilities for students (dormitories providing accommodation for boys and girls separately, including related facilities)
school kitchen with dining hall
teachers’ offices including meeting room
sick bay with doctor's office * (the doctor will not be permanently stationed there)
toilets for the teachers and students (preferably as separate buildings)
watchman building with a front desk
honey harvesting and beekeeping education unit
multifunctional assembly hall with an outdoor assembly area
parking for cars, recreation areas for students (parks with benches, playgrounds for basketball and football, outside gym, etc.) (not mandatory)
* it might be required to meet Zambian regulations, see the links below.
Each classroom should be designed for 30 students with the possibility of extending the classroom capacity up to 50 students. Contestants must design all parts listed above. More rooms can be organized in one building. The design of the future campus layout is an optional part of the assignment. Despite the fact that the preliminary master plan has been already designed, it is recommended to challenge it and adjust it according to the proposed building designs.