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Инновационная оболочка для телекоммуникационных вышек

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 24.10.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 24.10.2024
  дата объявления результатов: 20.12.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Италия
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: 1-я премия €3000; организатор также устанавливает вознаграждение в размере €1500 за покупку лицензии на экономическое использование проектов, не признанных победителями.
  организатор: Calzavara s.p.a, Desall (Италия)
  ссылки: Подробнее о конкурсе>>>
  Calzavara Tower Coating Design
  Задача участников конкурса – разработать инновационную оболочку для телекоммуникационных вышек, которая сочетает в себе эстетическую привлекательность и функциональность. Оболочка должна быть выполнена из прочных и долговечных материалов, устойчивых к различным погодным условиям.
Проект должен учитывать экологические аспекты и обеспечивать легкость в обслуживании.
Особое внимание уделяется тому, чтобы разработанное решение подходило для установки на вышки из каталога компании Calzavara.
Важным элементом является создание гармоничного проекта, который будет органично вписан в окружающую городскую среду.

© desall.com
связанные события:

Многофункциональная городская конструкция
Company Description

Calzavara is an Italian company renowned globally for revolutionising the concept of telecommunications infrastructure. With a legacy spanning over 50 years, Calzavara has consistently led the industry by transforming traditional telecommunications structures into architectural masterpieces that seamlessly blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. From the outset, the company’s vision has been to integrate telecommunications structures harmoniously into urban landscapes, thereby revolutionising the concept of connectivity. Today, Calzavara stands at the forefront of innovation, spearheading the development of multifunctional structures designed to accommodate not only antennas but also a comprehensive array of enabling technologies for the Smart City. This commitment to excellence, coupled with Italian design elegance and unwavering engineering innovation, forms the cornerstone of Calzavara’s success as it continues to shape the future of telecommunications infrastructure worldwide.

What we are looking for

Calzavara is looking for ideas for new aesthetic coatings dedicated to telecommunications towers, specifically suitable for installation on its own collection of architectural towers. Solutions that manage to combine different materials, with particular attention to ecological and sustainable ones, will be of greater interest. Additionally, proposals that integrate technological elements into the coatings, capable of reducing the structure’s management costs or generating income through the sale of advertising space, will be appreciated. However, it is essential that these elements do not compromise the aesthetics and harmony with the installation environment.


To ensure the proper development of your projects, please consider the following guidelines:

Project type

Calzavara’s telecommunications towers are an innovative solution to bring cellular connectivity to high-profile urban environments without impacting the landscape aesthetically. These towers are Calzavara Tower Coating Design designed to host antennas and radio equipment, concealing them behind an architectural coating. You are invited to design the aesthetic coating of the architectural towers, considering every aspect: the selection of materials and textures to be printed on the coating, the design of lighting to enhance the aesthetic appeal even during nighttime, the integration of technological elements that perform additional functions besides aesthetics, such as solar panels, LED screens, etc.

Style and aesthetic

The style of the coatings should be modern, technology-oriented, green, and sustainable. No specific colour constraints are provided. The aesthetic elements should be visually appealing and evoke pleasant emotions in the observer, combining innovation and functional solutions to create a positive and significant impact on the urban landscape.


The primary function of the coating is to provide aesthetic value to the structure. However, the coating design could also integrate technological elements useful for reducing management costs and enhancing sustainability. For example, solar panels could reduce electricity costs, while the integration of advertising panels and LED screens could generate revenue from advertising space. The components must fit within the space allocated for the coating. The interior of the structure should not be obstructed to allow passive ventilation through the chimney effect and to ensure that personnel can safely and easily access the internal ladder used for maintenance.


The architectural towers have a triangular base (each side is approximately 3 metres long) and a height ranging from 24 to 42 metres, with a modular structure of 6 metres. The current coatings are modular and anchor to a steel frame of H=3m x W=2m. The frame is designed to be attached to the structure.


The weight of the coatings is a relevant factor as it affects the load capacity of the structure. Coatings that are too heavy must be excluded. The panels currently used for the coating are made of plastic material and weigh approximately 150 kg each (coating + steel frame).

Materials and Finishes

Any material is permitted as long as it is readily available on the market and suitable for industrial production processes. Solutions that successfully combine different materials, with a particular focus on ecological and sustainable options, will be of greater interest. In the section intended to house the antennas, it is crucial to use only radio-transparent materials (that do not block radio waves).


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