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Конкурс на образцовые проекты блокированного дома и среднеэтажного дома (Австралия)

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 09.08.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 09.08.2024
  дата объявления результатов: 20.11.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Австралия
  город: Сидней
  открыт для: дипломированных архитекторов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: Участники 2-го тура получат гонорары за разработку проектов: 35 000 австралийских долларов (AUD) за блокированный дом или же 60 000 AUD за среднеэтажный многоквартирный дом; каждый студент-участник получит 5000 AUD.
  организатор: Архитектурное управление штата Новый Южный Уэльс
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса>>>
  Pattern Book International Design Competition
  Задача участников конкурса – создать серию качественных адаптируемых проектов блокированного дома и среднеэтажного многоквартирного дома, которые будут использоваться в качестве образцов при жилом строительстве на принадлежащей государству земле в штате Новый Южный Уэльс.

Новаторские и смелые проекты должны обеспечить разнообразие новой жилой застройки указанных выше типов, сейчас не отличающихся вариативностью (в отличие от односемейных и многоэтажных домов).



The New South Wales Government is developing a "pattern book" of endorsed housing designs, eligible for fast-tracked approval, to guide the creation of new low-rise housing and mid-rise apartment buildings in Sydney, Australia. 

The best architectural minds from everywhere in the world are invited to participate in the NSW Housing Pattern Book International Design Competition to create great designs for Sydney and contribute to the diversity and depth of the Pattern Book.  

Shaping the Future of Sydney’s Housing

Sydney stands at a pivotal moment, facing a housing crisis that has placed it among the top three least affordable cities for property ownership for the last 15 years. For too long, Sydney's housing market has been dominated by either detached homes or high-rise apartments, neglecting the "missing middle"—terraces, townhouses, and small apartment blocks—the type of housing that is affordable and creates walkable and sustainable neighborhoods.

To meet this challenge to create more affordable, inclusive and sustainable housing options in Sydney, the NSW Government is calling for bold, innovative design solutions that capture the imagination and will help build the vibrant communities of Sydney and NSW. 

The Pattern Book Design Competition seeks to engage the international design community, architects, and students from around the world, inviting them to explore bold ideas and develop creative concepts to reimagine housing in Sydney and NSW for the 21st century. The competition is looking for homes that are modest, sustainable, adaptable, affordable, and beautiful—homes that meet our needs through all stages of life, from raising children and working from home to aging in place.

The Pattern Book Design Competition Will Deliver More Than Just Good Ideas

This competition is more than just a call for creativity; it’s an opportunity for architects across the world to see their vision for housing come to life and be constructed as built prototypes. Supported by NSW Government organizations including Homes NSW, Landcom, and the Sydney Olympic Park Authority, up to five sites across Greater Sydney will be dedicated to developing the innovative designs of competition winners into real, built projects. 

The Competition Process

The NSW Housing Pattern Book Design Competition will be run as a two-stage process, led by the Government Architect NSW (GANSW) and endorsed by the Australian Institute of Architects. The first stage is an Expression of Interest (EOI) phase, where architects and students can register their interest without submitting design work. The second stage will shortlist entrants who will receive a competition fee to develop their ideas further.

The competition will establish a global design-led exploration of housing ideas to support the development of a NSW Housing Pattern Book of pre-approved designs for two key housing typologies: the terrace house and the mid-rise apartment (up to 6 stories). These designs will be responsive to Sydney’s unique climate, character, and cultural heritage, offering affordable, liveable, buildable, and replicable solutions. 

Competition winners will also have the opportunity to work with GANSW to refine their designs for inclusion in the NSW Housing Pattern Book.


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