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Кулинарная школа на рынке Гюмри (Армения)

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 19.07.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 19.07.2024
  дата объявления результатов: 20.09.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Армения
  город: Гюмри
  открыт для: архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: нет
  награда: Каждой из трех команд-финалистов выделят бюджет в 15 000 долларов США для участия в 3-дневном воркшопе, в ходе которого будет определен победитель.
  организатор: Сеть образовательных центров TUMO (Армения)
Институт Lyfe (Лион, Франция)
  ссылки: Подробнее о конкурсе>>>
  Gyumri Market Culinary School
  Участникам конкурса предлагается разработать проект кулинарной школы на историческом рынке города Гюмри. Задача заключается в создании на площади в 8 тыс. м2 школы, окруженной ресторанами и магазинами.

Проекты должны отличаться архитектурным новаторством, тактичным обращением с историческим наследием и продуманностью ревитализации городской среды. Оцениваются оригинальность, творческий и одновременно практичный подход к решению поставленных задач.

© market.tumo.org

© market.tumo.org

© market.tumo.org
Site location
Site location
© market.tumo.org
The TUMO Center for Creative Technologies is partnering with Institut Lyfe in Lyon to establish a unique culinary ecosystem in the Armenian city of Gyumri with the support of the European Union. The 8,000 square meter, 9 million dollar project involves revitalizing the historic food market of the city, establishing a unique culinary school in the heart of it, and surrounding it with restaurants and shops that are symbiotic with the market and the school.


At the center of the project is education, in the form of a new type of culinary school, one that does not need an army of permanent in-house chefs to deliver high-level culinary education. Gyumri’s Culinary School will empower students to learn and create on their own and collaborate with visiting professionals from all around the world.
With Institut Lyfe’s support, TUMO will create tasty self-learning content and a new system for fostering excellence in an emerging culinary scene. Located inside the market, Gyumri’s future culinary school will be in permanent exchange with local products, vendors and restaurateurs, putting students in direct contact with food, farmers and foodies.
At TUMO, we strongly believe in free-of-charge, consensual and interactive education. Driven by our ambition to create life changing learning experiences, we want to empower students to discover their own paths by providing them access to high-quality pedagogy and opportunities.


Gyumri is a city of arts, humor and culture. The second city of Armenia is known for having nurtured Armenia’s most celebrated artists, poets, humorists and comedians.
Once a vibrant cultural hub, Gyumri was struck by a devastating earthquake in 1988 which led to the city’s decay. But recently, Gyumri is gaining more and more attention and investments. A fast electric train line was added to the existing train network, renovated roadways connect Gyumri to surrounding regions, and the city center is attracting restaurants, hotels, museums, and events.
The market’s area is a key component of Gyumri’s development trajectory. Once Armenia’s most lively and colorful market, it drew vendors from far and wide. But the aftermath of the earthquake and unfinished projects forced sellers onto the nearby sidewalks. Despite being located in the heart of Gyumri, the historic market area remained empty for years.
With this project, TUMO plans to reconstruct Gyumri’s historic market to establish an international culinary school and help catalyze the city’s long-term economic development.


Hello architects. Interested in entering the competition? We don’t want you to do a lot of unnecessary work. We want to get to know you and we want you to get to know us, to see if there is a good fit. So we’re organizing a light-touch two-stages competition.

Stage 1

The first stage is intended to give you an opportunity to show us your team’s vision and ideas regarding the project, and to tell us about your firm. We ask that you submit one pdf document containing:
2-3 pages (A4 and/or A3) with sketches, text and anything else you would like to share that conveys how your team would approach the project
Plus, one additional page that presents your team. It can contain a portfolio link, team member bios, a manifesto, pictures of your working environment, photos of office pets, etc.

Stage 2

Each of the three finalist teams will be invited to visit the site in Armenia and spend three days working with us in Gyumri and Yerevan, ideally between mid-August and mid-September. The idea is to spend time with each other, observe how we work together, and see what design solutions start to emerge from our collaboration.
We will offer a fee and budget totaling $15,000 to each of the teams to compensate you for your time and expenses. Each team will participate in a separate workshop. We will spend the first day in Gyumri, getting to know the site and its context, and working together on generating some initial concepts. On the second day, we will leave you alone and give you the time and space to come up with design ideas. On the third and final day, we will ask you to present to us and to the jury whatever ideas you have come up with, and will discuss them with you, asking and answering questions as needed.
Based on this interaction and on some follow-up information like fees and logistics, the jury will award the project to one of the three teams.


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