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Переосмыслить Лондон

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 17.06.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 17.06.2024
  дата объявления результатов: 12.09.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Великобритания
  город: Лондон
  открыт для: всех
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от £50 для архитектурных бюро, студенты и молодые архитекторы (до 25 лет) – бесплатно
  награда: Призовой фонд £10 000
  организатор: NLA (New London Architecture)
  ссылки: Подробнее о конкурсе>>>
  Reimagine London
  Участникам конкурса идей предлагается представить смелые планы преобразования Лондона. Конкурс направлен на поиск решений для ключевых проблем с акцентом на здоровье горожан, нужды их следующего поколения и «устойчивость».

Работы будут оцениваться по критериям оригинальности, творческого подхода и актуальности.
Голосованием общественности определять обладателя премии «Выбор народа», а лучшие идеи будут представлены на финальной выставке.

© nla.london
Reimagine London is our major new ideas competition to help shape the future of the city.

This competition is an opportunity for you to share innovative and aspirational ideas about the future of the capital which respond to the needs of London. We need you to help shape the future of the city. Reimagine London is the chance for you to share innovative and aspirational ideas about the capital. 

As London undergoes a massive shift in working and living patterns, it faces enormous challenges in delivering housing and infrastructure needs. COVID-19 has also made inequalities and vulnerabilities even more apparent, and the city must rapidly decarbonise. London finds itself at an extraordinary moment in time, and the built environment is a crucial part of London’s future - which is why your ideas can have an enormous impact. 
In collaboration with the LDN Collective, Reimagine London is open to multidisciplinary groups of built environment professionals, community organisations, Londoners, and national and international London enthusiasts – from designers, innovators, entrepreneurs, students, and community groups to everyone who has an interest in shaping our city.

There will be a £10,000 prize fund for the best new ideas for London. Members of the public will be able to vote online (and in person) for their favourite shortlisted idea, from which a People’s Choice prize will be awarded. In September the international jury will meet to decide remaining prizes including a Young Londoners Prize for an idea developed by or with under 25s.
All shortlisted ideas from the competition will go on public display at a ‘Reimagine London’ exhibition opening at The London Centre in September, and up to 10 shortlisted ideas will be presented at a ‘Reimagine London’ PechaKucha event, coinciding with the exhibition!


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