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Студенческий архитектурный конкурс имени Джона П. Эберхарда

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 15.06.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 15.06.2024
  дата объявления результатов: 15.07.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: США
  открыт для: молодых архитекторов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: $15
  награда: 1-я премия $1000, 2-я премия $750, 3-я премия $500
  организатор: ANFA Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture
  ссылки: Подробнее о конкурсе>>>
  John P. Eberhard Student Design Competition
  Участникам конкурса предлагается исследовать, как архитектурная среда может влиять на здоровье и благополучие людей с точки зрения неврологии и психологии, и представить проект, который учитывает принципы нейроархитектуры, то есть влияние застроенной среды на мозг и психическое здоровье.
Цель конкурса – популяризация идей и проектов, способствующих здоровью и благополучию людей через учет неврологических аспектов. Это могут быть общественные пространства, здания или зоны благоустройства.

© Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture
In recognition of the 20th anniversary of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture founding, ANFA will host a design competition honoring one of its key founding members, John P. Eberhard, FAIA, to create greater interest and understanding of the relationship between neuroscience and architecture. A Design competition motivates students to perform and excel in their fields. Architecture competitions offer a chance for participants to gain experience, showcase skills, understand their design better, understand their topic (Neuroscience) better, and garner recognition.

Mission & Goals
  • Foster a dynamic conversation between neuroscience and architecture.
  • Enhance neuroscience knowledge in architecture.
  • Showcase scientists and students in neuroscience.
  • Foster collaboration within or between institutions.
  • Cultivate opportunities for students to become interested in both architecture and neuroscience.
The recommended site for the project is a location on the Salk Institute campus, which is connected to the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA) and boasts international recognition in the field of architecture. As part of the competition, students will be asked to identify the building function and the anticipated user demographics while ensuring that the project demonstrates how the users are being educated on neuroscience topics. The activities conducted in the building must align with neuroscience principles or the study of neuroscience. The project must accommodate an “artist/architect-” and “scientist-” in residence, demonstrating the collaborative efforts between these building users to achieve the objectives above and activities that encompass the intersection or mash-up of architecture and neuroscience fields and/or professionals. These activities should align with the principles of neuroscience and promote the education of users on neuroscience topics. Participants are encouraged to suggest additional activities that bring neuroscience and architecture into conversation with each other.

The competition will have two entry categories: Architecture Category and an Interior Design Category. The Architectural category will ask students for a standalone solution, while the Interior Design Category will ask students to design a space within a structure provided by the competition. Both categories will be judged with the same criteria based in the understanding and utilization of the research provided.


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