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Дом на дереве 2024

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 24.07.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 31.07.2024
  дата объявления результатов: 03.10.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Индия
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  сумма: от $70
  награда: 1-я премия $2000, 2-я премия $1200, 3-я премия $800
  организатор: Volume Zero
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Tree House 2024 Competition
  Участникам конкурса предстоит ответить на вопрос, может ли дом на дереве служить в качестве основного жилища. Нужно спроектировать домик на двоих с гостиной, спальней, кухней, рабочим пространством и т.д.
Проект домика должен быть тщательно продуман и обеспечивать базовую защиту от опасностей природного мира. Предполагаемого заказчика и местоположение дерева конкурсант может выбрать на свое усмотрение.

© volumezerocompetitions.com
связанные события:

Дом на дереве 2021
We challenge you to go on a nostalgic trip down memory lane and picture a lighthearted home that prioritises solitude and fostering inner tranquility. to picture a life spent in the midst of the great outdoors, beneath the starry sky, and suspended amid the majestic trees. The Tree House should have a unique, imaginative, and sustainable design. It is imperative that the designed proposal facilitate communication between the internal rooms and external surroundings. The suggested design ought to be carefully thought out and shield consumers from the elements of the natural world.

The Tree House would be the primary residence for 2 individuals and the area of the proposal should not exceed 300 sq. ft built up. Proposals may consider spatial flexibility fulfilling all the needs of their users. The Space program for the proposal must include but is not limited to spaces to play, rest, work, eat, cook, clean, sanitize and unwind. Participants are free to add any other function to the Tree House proposals.

The design should center on a unique character, one that reinforces and maximizes our relationship with Nature.
Client Interaction is one of the critical components of the design proposal. For this competition, entrants may assume an individual, couple, or a genre of people, based on the design concept.

The proposed design may also consider modern technological advancements in architecture to make the tree-house archetype adaptive to its surroundings, making it a comfortable home by eliminating any type of hazards.


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