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«Убежище» и плавучая сауна во фьордах

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 28.10.2024
  dead-line подачи проектов: 28.10.2024
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Норвегия
  открыт для: студентов и молодых архитекторов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  награда: главные призы - £1000 и £500
  организатор: Larsen Liverpool
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Scandinavian Fjords Escape & Floating Sauna
  Участники конкурса могут спроектировать оздоровительный комплекс с пышным садом на склоне Нерёй-фьорда и/или плавучую сауну под ледником. Состязание открыто для студентов и молодых архитекторов – это возможность проверить свои силы и пополнить портфолио яркими работами.

Источник: larsenliverpool.com
Scandinavia's fjords were carved by glaciers over millions of years, resulting in these iconic landscapes with steep cliffs and deep waterways. Nærøyfjord is one of Norway’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites, recognised for their outstanding natural beauty and cultural significance - the place that inspired the cinematic creation of Frozen's Arendelle.

We have designed these competition briefs to take advantage of this dramatic landscape and encourage you to be creative in your designs and develop new, pioneering architectural concepts within this incredible, natural site.

All proposals are expected to demonstrate a clear architectural response to the brief, considering a high level of sustainability and wildlife conservation with a minimal impact structure that has a light touch within the landscape while benefiting the ecology of the area. As demonstrated by the surrounding ancient settlements, humans once lived in harmony with their surroundings, benefitting from the earth without destroying it.

This is a step towards shaping the future of architecture.


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