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The Dwelling 2023

конкурс международный открытый
  dead-line регистрации: 06.10.2023
  dead-line подачи проектов: 18.10.2023
  тема: Архитектура
  страна: Международная
  открыт для: профессионалов и студентов
  регистрационный взнос: да
  награда: призовой фонд - $4000
  организатор: Volume Zero
  ссылки: Официальный сайт конкурса
  Жилье завтрашнего дня - конкурс от Volume Zero
  Конкурс посвящен поиску идей по созданию жилья, которое в век умных технологий и инновационных решений сможет поспособствовать сплочению людей, подтолкнуть их к живому общению, обеспечить теплом и домашним уютом. Спроектировать нужно дом на 100 квартир. Предложенные решения должны быть модульными и тиражируемыми.

Источник: volumezerocompetitions.com
Since the start of time, a HOME has continued to be an entity that is intimate to all living beings on the planet. A space that is not only provides as a physical shelter for humans and to everything they hold dear but also shaping their daily lives. A home forms a distinct bond with its users and the environment that it sits in defining both personal and social interactions.

Humans traditionally have thrived on social dialogue creating communities based upon work, education, place of origin, etc. aligning interest, a place for incubation of skills, values and ideas fueling civilizations. These Communities play a pivotal role in defining social fabric and embedding values and virtues by which an individual perceives the world outside this habitat.

World is transforming at a breakneck speed putting a strain on our resources. In a quest for a better life millions across the globe have been moving to the cities every day. This has resulted in a rise in densely populated urban areas along with a lack of land resources and financial constrains to provide sufficient housing for the masses.

This phenomenon has led to the rise in innovation focusing on unconventional ideas like, Smart Homes, Pod Houses, Social Housing, Co- Living Spaces, Tiny Houses, Micro Houses, Hostels etc., making home accessible to many simultaneously helping achieve one’s aspiration. The concept of these revolutionary homes encourages making the innovation of maximum functional area in a minimum footprint, thus redefining the perception of Sustainability in urban dwellings.

However, as the world is becoming increasingly disconnected, with social interactions growing more superficial and digital, can these new-age habitation models ignite a sense of community, warmth and homeliness in an individual?


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